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What is Heart Awakening?

Heart Awakening, pioneered by Raoult Bertrand, has transformed the lives of thousands. If your life has become a mess and you do not know which way to turn, a Heart Awakening session will reveal a solution that works for you. Heart Awakening began in 1987, when Raoult realised his spiritual self would only unfold if he lived as a connection with the Divine. This is based on his journey, which showed that truth can only be perceived through the heart.

Heart Awakening is a powerful transformational therapy, a spirit-guided process, that heals on
the deepest level. When your heart is awakened, you have the ability to look at everything from a divine perspective and know that God is present in everyone and everything. You perceive the Divine Plan in any situation. You live in harmony with yourself and others. Other forms of healing may heal symptoms and/or re-programme the personality; Heart Awakening is an actual experience of Divine love in you; an expression and extension of connecting with the Divine. It is not a technique but a journey in which the deepest level of healing can take place. Healing is a process that is gently leading us home, awakening our hearts to a profound awareness of the Divine in all things, all situations, all people – including ourselves.

Heart Awakening ends the sense of separation from your Divine Self, allowing you to see and experience that you have never been separate, and couldn’t be separate. Moving through the layers of your unresolved emotional issues that caused the feeling of separation, you reconnect with your true self and get back to the love. This is what Heart Awakening is for – to remember what is important, what is real and what makes a difference. It is a wake-up call from the soul.

Heart Awakening raises your vibratory level and restores your connection with inner guidance, with discernment through the heart. Perceiving the universal truth within any situation, you can then express yourself from a place of unconditional love and unlimited knowledge. For this, you must clear out old negative emotional patterns, including irrational fears, which block guidance. Heart Awakening integrates the Divine Self with the personality self, so you can maintain a high level of balance and stability within your energy fields.

Heart Awakening activates the Divine Mind, that part of you that knows all things, and has been present since the soul’s journey began. As key relationships and life events are seen through the heart, you will experience a profound shift of identity to the Divine within. Knowing that God is love and this love is within becomes living reality. You experience unconditional love for self and awaken the capacity of unconditional love for others. This is a process of transforming unresolved emotional issues into deep love for humanity.

Heart Awakening brings universal life force energy through every cell of your being. You begin the process of transmuting your body into a vehicle of light and open up the capacity to receive guidance and information directly from God. Detoxification of the body, release of emotional pain, and mastery of your life are the results.

While words like ‘God’ and other spiritual language are used, it is important to note that they are not used in the religious sense and do not require adherence to or belief in any particular religious belief system.

Remember the journey you have embarked upon, remember the deepest inner vows to yourself to be all that you can be. You don’t have to settle for anything less.

Qigong Distant Healing

The Qigong Enhancer is an ‘at a distance’ quantum healing system; a sophisticated software developed by leading Qigong Grandmasters. Advanced technology is used to scan your energy field with the equivalent of 1000s of kinesiology tests in seconds. Once the data is assessed, the Qigong Enhancer helps you unlock any resistance or restrictions and limitations you may have to your healing. The Enhancer transmits custom-made frequencies through the quantum field to help restore the energy field to perfect harmony and balance. Energy scans are run daily for 6 consecutive days, followed by a day of rest, Sunday, during which your body is given time for the energies to settle. Healing can be customised to your specific needs, or to a theme, e.g. acute illness, trauma. The Enhancer can also benefit pet/animal issues.


Raoult offers a series of meditation steps designed to help you activate your Merkabah field and experience soul-level awareness through an open heart. The Merkabah is a counter-rotating field of energy/light that consists of both spirit and matter. Powered by the divine love that flows within your being, we will teach you how to activate this self-help, spiritual healing, and rejuvenation system. A special Merkabah meditation can be given for couples and partners who wish to use their Merkabah field to co-create with each other in unconditional love. Please bring your intent to be in a living field of unconditional love and experience how these simple steps can bring profound change into your life.

Offering heart-centred living for everyone

Raoult is an internationally renowned spiritual healer, who founded the Heart Awakening School of Healing and is director/founder of the spiritual education nonprofit 501(c)(3), The Helping Hands of Maricopa County Inc. in Cave Creek, Arizona, USA. He visits the UK every summer to hold workshops and give private consultations near Tunbridge Wells. Please see below for details of the courses – Heart Awakening, Qigong Enhancer, and Merkabah – that he will be holding in Tunbridge Wells and Brighton in July and August.

What others have said:

“I treasure the Heart Awakening experiences I have had … The heart is truly the place of healing emotional trauma instead of the head.”

“I am convinced it is a very effective way for people to move through their issues because I have seen the positive changes in their lives as a result of Heart Awakening sessions.”

“The Enhancer really strengthened my organs and meridians and helped me to clear all that stuff that I had been carrying around. It really helped me live my life in balanced energy.”

“Yes! This truly is a sophisticated piece of technology. The quality and depth of the work enabled me to feel a deep sense of calm and self-confidence about my life.”

“This is the most real, most effective means of healing I’ve encountered. The process goes deep and is permanent”

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Read Raoult’s Book
This heart warming and inspiring book is a must for anyone who is genuinely interested in spiritual transformation. You can read many successful case histories of clients in Raoult’s book ‘Heart Awakening – Your Path to Unconditional Love and Healing’ (£12.50 + p&p). Please see below for details of how to order.

‘… So I simply said to myself, from the most sincere place I could find, No matter what may have happened in the past or will happen in the future, I now commit fully and wholly to a life based on love instead of fear – no matter what the consequences. I will simply follow my heart.

In that instant, an intense vibration began pulsing at the base of my spinal column. A massive jolt of energy shot up my spine and throughout my body.

It was a very intense experience, and all the while I was being flooded with entire memories of what I had come here to be – in my power, in my truth and fully conscious of my spiritual well-being. And I received the revelation that my heart was free to change my life completely… In this energy, I discovered a permanent joy and freedom that could make heaven on earth a living reality.’

Raoult Bertrand from his book, ‘Heart Awakening – Your Path to Unconditional Love and Healing’


Spa Hotel, Mt Ephraim, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 8XJ

2pm to 6pm
Donation £50 including drinks

July 4th – Heart Awakening

August 22nd – Qigong Enhancer

August 29th – Merkabah

Holistic Health Clinic, 53 Beaconsfield Road, Preston Circus, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 4QH

2pm to 6pm
Donation £50 including drinks

July 18th – Heart Awakening

August 1st – Qigong Enhancer

August 15th – Merkabah

* Private consultations on request

For more information, to book one or any of the forthcoming workshops, to order a copy of Raoult’s book, please contact Sally on 07540 407820 or admin

Raoult Bertrand – Facebook
The Helping Hands of Maricopa County
The Helping Hands of Maricopa County – Facebook


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