What’s wrong with me? In the last few years, I have been asking myself this question far too often!

Something has been happening. It’s been chaotic. And I don’t like it at all.  

Who is this woman?” who is:

  • Filled with dread and self-doubt when tackling things she is usually very good at. 
  • Experiencing high levels of anxiety and palpitations when asked to make a simple and inconsequential decision. 
  • Not remembering the point she is making, halfway through a sentence.
  • Other times the message is clear in her head but the brain and the mouth are not connecting and the words are just not coming out.
  • Switching between two very unfamiliar ways of being (or of thinking) between apathy with an underlying lack of motivation, and peaks of impatience with a heightened bullshit detector.

Could it be menopause related?

WHAT … not the ‘M’ word? 



… why not now after all?

If you, or anyone you know, has reached that phase in life where your personal thermostat is more unpredictable than the British weather, your brain is as foggy as the South Downs on a winter morning, and your mood swings are more vertiginous than the pendulum ride on the Brighton Pier, then… just like me, you might be navigating the tumultuous waters of peri/menopause.

We are not Mad, we are MAD*!

*Mastering Adaptable Determination and Making A Difference

Now I know what is happening, I am going from strength to strength in the art of connecting to my inner compass, adapting and embracing this time of change, and so can you!

With this intention in mind, I am holding an evening workshop in person in Brighton in May. We will explore ways to decode the MADness through our emotions, body and mindset. 

Get in touch to find out more and to be kept in the loop of other circles in your area or online!

Together, we can turn the page of a new life chapter and RISE, acknowledging ‘the change’ with Resilience, Inspiration, Strength and Empowerment. 

This month, I invite you to be open, curious, and gentle with yourself. Practice self-compassion and dare to be the change you want to see in your organisation, family, community and life!

Mathilde Barbier

Dare To Be The Change

If you are in your 40s–50s and are open and curious to navigate the turbulent waters of peri/menopause and RISE through the experience, then book yourself on:

A Circle for Women Who Dare to Live Their Menopause with Gentleness! 

Wednesday 1st of May 19.00 – 21.00

This will take place in person in Brighton above the beautiful shop, Circles Store, 21-23 Church Street, BN1 1RB

Together we will explore ‘the change’ with gentleness, self-compassion and humour.

An opportunity to ‘be’, connect, reflect and learn from each other.

Get in touch to find out more!

[email protected] – 07947 319 362

About Author /

Our Editorial Team are writers and experts in their field. Their views and opinions may not always be the views of Wellbeing Magazine. If you are under the direction of medical supervision please speak to your doctor or therapist before following the advice and recommnedations in these articles.

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